

作者:直播8 2023-09-02 00:50:14



congratulations and good job Puerto Rico from JAPAN


cant believe Puerto Rico could win by less than 20 only....


Man how is china the second largest when it comes to basketball fanbases yet they still couldnt even reach a finals.


Kyle anderson very bad, can shoot from outside, no offense attack, poor +/- on court, china is better when he's not on court. look at japan's hawkinson, phllipine's clarkson, jordan's jefferson, thats what a naturalized player should do.


You really can't blame him when you have 2 7 massive Footers Zhou Qi and Wang Zhelin average 3-4 rpg, missing wide open layups. Zhou Qi does not ever want the ball, its like the ball burns his hands or something. Get rid of both of them, not only do they not show any emotion or fight in the games, they literally have the most experience yet refuse to shoulder any responsibility or leadership. This type of players are literally cancer for the team. Also Zhang Zhenlin, what does he bring to this team? At 6'10 his supposed to create mismatches for teams but he can't rebound, can''t and won't post up, can't make good passes, and his shooting has been atrocious so what exactly is his purpose? The only players that should remain on the roster is Kyle Anderson, Zhao Rui, Hu Jinqiu, Fu Hao and Cui Yongxi, every else can get the off the team.


The head coach of china too bad, put the center wang on court for long time, he himself send 10+pts away on both sides, no wonder he lead serbia with jokic to only 5th in 2019 world cup.


The coach is too traditional


China needs a bruiser type PF import, Mr.Slowmo looks weak.


China had No any defense in the game, the forwards can’t get rebounds, the guards can’t penetrate….


All Asian teams are all officially out.


I don't wanna say anything negative but I don't come up with anything positive.

What's wrong with Asian basketball?



China just part of Asia. Most of Asian basketball teams are growing up!


Jup, Philippines and China both have lost 3 games now, only Japan managed to win 1, lets hope Japan gets further in the tournament!


1,4 billions people and they just know how to play ping pong


I think it is lack of players playing abroad most Chinese athlethes stay in China ( soccer, basketball in this case) While the Japanese soccer players are in Europe like when they won against Germany in the world cup, they had 2-3 players who played in Germany haha. I think Chinese basketball isn't on the same level as in Europe, Usa etc, so they lack some competition and more willpower. The Chinese have a tall team, but it seems they lack the fighting spirit, like no ambition or no leader. Whats even more strange is how India has an even bigger population but they like very few amount of gold medals or even active athletes.


china is just bad in european sports :( no offence


The worst China basketball man team i ve ever seen


Can someone explain, how one of the biggest country in the world, cant put a decent team to play?


Yao Ming was a rookie in the early 2000s and his career ended like 2010. 8 years of inspiration for young children. Not enough to build a basketball culture. It needs more time I think.


Simple, because the best players are not allowed in the national team as they are not in the “system”. Same as soccer.


It is not about basketball culture or money or strategy.

The major problem is the competition level of CBA is so low that top CBA players always receive "real world shock" when playing FIBA.


